Citizenship by Investment

45-60 days

Why Choose Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment?

Vanuatu is a nation in the Pacific Ocean, located off the northeast coast of Brisbane, Australia. It has 83 islands and is known for its stunning beaches, pristine forests, and majestic landscapes. This tropical paradise attracts tourists and investors from around the world.

The population of Vanuatu is primarily indigenous, with 95% being “Ni-Vanuatu” of Melanesian origin. The rest of the population includes Europeans, other Pacific Islanders, and Asians. The country’s official languages are English and French, while Bislama, a local dialect, is the national language.

In Port Vila, the capital city, business hours typically run from 7:30 am to 11:30 am and then from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. With its natural beauty, cultural diversity, and thriving investment opportunities, Vanuatu presents a compelling choice for those interested in Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment.

Overview of Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program

Vanuatu launched its citizenship program in January 2017 alongside the Development Support Program (DSP). The Vanuatu Government established the DSP under the Citizenship Act (CAP 112). It was enacted with the authority granted to the Prime Minister by Section 20 of the Citizenship Act (112) Order No.215 of 2016.

Notably, Vanuatu offers the only Citizenship by Investment Program in the Asia-Pacific region, making it a unique and attractive option for investors seeking citizenship in this region.

Located off the North East coast of Brisbane, Australia, Vanuatu is a nation in the Pacific Ocean, comprising 83 islands. Home to some of the world’s most amazing beaches, pristine forests, and majestic landscapes, Vanuatu is a tropical paradise attracting tourists and investments from around the world. 95% of the population are indigenous “Ni -Vanuatu” of Melanesian origin with the remainder consisting of Europeans, other Pacific Islanders, and Asians. 

English and French are the official languages of the country, whilst Bislama (local dialect ) is the national language.  Business hours in Port Vila are 7.30 am to 11.30 am and 1.30 pm to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. 

Vanuatu launched its citizenship program in January 2017 along with the Development Support Program (DSP). The DSP was enacted by the Vanuatu Government under the Citizenship Act (CAP 112) with the powers conferred on the Prime Minister by Section 20 of the Citizenship Act (112) Order No.215 of 2016. Vanuatu has the only Citizenship by Investment Program in the Asia-Pacific.

Quick Facts




Port Vila



Total Area


Visa Free Countries



Bislama, English, French

Vanuatu Passport Benefits

Becoming a Vanuatu citizen will open new opportunities to the investor and transform their lives.

Open new paths for your future generations
Change for Future Generations

Include your extended family, i.e. parents, grandparents, and children in your application. You will pass on the citizenship by descent to future generations.

OptimizedTaxes for you and your business
Optimize Your Tax Savings

As a Vanuatu citizen, you do not have to pay tax on global income, inheritance, capital gains, or wages. The country does not require payments on dividends, interests, or royalties either.

Crypto-Friendly Jurisdiction

Vanuatu welcomes crypto-investors into their program and even has plans for its own crypto-currency. As such, this program provides a perfect opportunity to secure your crypto holdings.

Global Business Opportunities
Quick and Speedy Process

The average time from application to receiving your Vanuatu citizenship is 45-60 days. This makes the program the quickest in the world.

Long-term U.S. visitor visa

As a citizen, you can easily apply for a 10-year B1/B2 visitor visa to the United States. Visa holders can spend up to 180 days per year in the US for healthcare, travel, or business meetings.

Safe Haven and Plan B

Vanuatu has no restrictions on dual citizenship. Its location in the Pacific makes the country a perfect place for a safe haven for you and your family among political instability.

Why Vanuatu

Vanuatu is a country filled with culture and adventure across its 83 islands. The program is one of the youngest in the industry with a simple process and quick approval times. As the country’s GDP grows, so do its ties with other global players, making this a perfect investment opportunity for anyone looking to get a second citizenship.

Investment Options & Other Fees*

Vanuatu currently offers two options for its citizenship by investment program. The program is very simple and straightforward. Our advisors will gladly provide you with guidance and answer any questions you might have.

*Please note that the below prices are not inclusive of miscellaneous government fees and a legal management fee calculated on a case-by-case basis. Prices are subject to change based on government regulations. Please contact one of our advisors for a personalized quote.

Development Support Program Contribution $130,000+

A contribution to the Development Support Program (DSP) enables Vanuatu to continue investments in its developing infrastructure. Additionally, the fund allocates resources to fight natural disasters on the islands.

Up to 4
of 5 or more

DSP Contribution (Payable upon grant of approval in principle)




+$15,000 per family member starting from the 5th

Due Diligence Fees (Payable on submission of application)





Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP) $155,500+

Investment through certain core developmental sectors in Vanuatu. The CIIP allows to not only obtain a nominal yearly return on investment, but also to withdraw investment amount after certain specific periods of time (as indicated by the specific sector investing into).

Up to 4
of 5 or more

Fund Contribution (Payable upon grant of approval in principle)




+$20,000 per family member starting from the 5th

Due Diligence Fees (Payable on submission of application)





Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify to apply for a Vanuatu citizenship, applicants must have: 

  • Clean Criminal Record 
  • Valid Passport (with a minimum validity of six months) 
  • National Identity documents from Country of Birth or Country of Residence 
  • Birth Certificates 
  • Additional Documentation including CVs, Education, and Work History
  • Valid Proof of Address 


Vanuatu allows applicants to include their close family members as dependents on their Citizenship application. All family members receive their Citizenship Certificates and Passports together.

Eligible Dependents that you can include in an application are: 

  • A spouse of the primary applicant
  • A child of the primary applicant or spouse that is younger than 25 years of age
  • A child of the primary applicant or spouse, fully supported by his or her parents, that is between 18 and 30 years of age
  • Children of determination of the primary applicant or spouse, below or above the age of 30 Parents or grandparents of the primary applicant or spouse, living with and fully supported by the primary applicant, that are above the age of 50
  • NOTE: Children above the age of 30 and siblings cannot be included as dependents. 

Restrictions: All Nationalities are eligible to apply for Citizenship in Vanuatu except Citizens of Afghanistan, Iran*, Iraq*, North Korea*, Somalia, Syria*, and Yemen*

*Citizens of these countries can apply if they have lived out of their home country for a period of five years

The Process

Free Consultation
(30-60 minutes)
Book a free consultation with one of our client advisors to discuss your fit to invest in a Vanuatu passport.
Vancis Capital’s Due
Diligence (1 day)
Prior to signing any paperwork, our due diligence team will evaluate your ability to qualify for the program. All we require is your passport and one working day. If there are no issues, we will send you a client engagement letter.
Preparing your
Application (1 week)
Our experienced processing team will work with you to collect all the necessary documents for your application. All of our clients receive a comprehensive service and support to obtain documents necessary. Our team will fill out and proof all forms prior to your signature.
Government Due Diligence
(1-2 weeks)
Our team submits the completed application and documents to Vanuatu’s CIU after we receive your payment for the due diligence and legal management fees. Once you pay the due diligence fee, the government will begin its due diligence checks on all applicants. Any applicant over 16 years old undergoes these checks. The CIU usually responds with its findings and approval in 90 working days (varies depending on volume of applications at the CIU).
The Final Investment
(up to 90 days)
After our team receives the approval from the government, we will request you to make the final investment into your chosen option. This requirement usually has to be fulfilled within 90 days of receiving the approval.
Receive your Vanuatu
Citizenship (up to 4 weeks)
Your new passport and citizenship certificate will reach our office approximately 30 days after the final payment. From there, you can either collect your passport in one of our offices or choose to have them couriered to your registered address.

Take charge of your future with our expert advisors

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you with your citizenship or residency by investment goals. One of our investment migration experts will contact you to discuss your case. With over 16 years of combined experience our team has helped hundreds of families achieve freedom.