
Top 5 Countries Where High Net-Worth Individuals Are Getting Passports 2023

We live in increasingly uncertain geopolitical times, and in some countries it has become more and more difficult to safeguard the future of one’s assets and finances. Due to this, many high-net-worth individuals have begun diversifying their holdings – not only by simply transferring those holdings overseas, but also by acquiring second citizenships in countries with favourable tax regimes.

Not only does a second passport allow greater protection of one’s assets, but it comes with a whole host of secondary benefits that might not appear immediately apparent. It’s ultimately a smart play that many high-net-worth individuals are taking full advantage of, and it’s strongly recommended that anyone with significant holdings do likewise.

One of the big questions when looking into citizenship by investment, however, is which programmes are the best ones to apply to. There is no small number of countries accepting citizenship by investment applications, after all, and it can be a little daunting trying to figure out which one(s) might be best for you and your family.

In this article, we plan to take a look at the five best CBI programmes currently available globally. What are their requirements? And what are the benefits of applying for a second passport through investment there, as opposed to somewhere else?

Without further ado, then, let’s take a look at the top 5 countries currently offering citizenship by investment programmes.

Antigua & Barbuda

One of the many Caribbean countries offering citizenship by investment programs, Antigua & Barbuda distinguish themselves with a fantastically robust passport, a generous application process that permits the inclusion of many dependents, and a number of benefits that come as the result of being a British Commonwealth nation.

Benefits Of An Antigua & Barbuda Passport

As mentioned above, one of the biggest benefits that comes with an Antigua & Barbuda citizenship is its excellent passport. You’ll gain visa-free (or visa-on-arrival) access to an astonishing 150 countries, which places it second only to Saint Kitts & Nevis out of all of the Caribbean CBI countries in terms of passport strength.

Some of the more desirable countries that you’ll gain visa-free access to include Russia, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Schengen Zone countries, and the UK. And speaking of the UK – Antigua & Barbuda citizens can, as Commonwealth members, stay in the UK for up to six months completely visa-free.

Another strong incentive to apply to the country’s CBI programme is the number of dependants that can be included in your application. Where some other countries can be a little restrictive, Antigua & Barbuda allows you to include parents and grandparents over 55, unmarried siblings, children under 31, and spouses.

Antigua & Barbuda CBI Options

In addition to being aged 18 or over, applicants must choose from one of the following investment options:

  • A non-refundable $100,000 contribution to the National Development Fund.
  • A non-refundable $150,000 contribution to the University of the West Indies.
  • The purchase of a business valued at not less than $1.5 million.

A real estate purchase of at least $200,000. The property must be held for at least 5 years.

Saint Kitts & Nevis

This Caribbean nation may be the second on this list, but it was the first country in the world to ever offer a CBI program, beginning all the way back in the 1980s.

As the original CBI country, Saint Kitts & Nevis has a great deal of experience in dealing with applications. It also offers some extremely appealing benefits, including the strongest passport in the Caribbean.

Benefits Of A Saint Kitts & Nevis Passport

As mentioned, Saint Kitts & Nevis has what is easily the best passport of all the Caribbean nations. It offers visa-free access to 156 countries, including the Schengen Zone nations, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and Ireland.

You can also apply for a 10-year US tourist visa, and enjoy the usual host of tax breaks, including 0% tax on capital gains, inheritance, royalties, or dividends.

Finally, successful CBI applicants are allowed to register their businesses in Saint Kitts & Nevis, which allows them to ensure that their businesses benefit from the tax breaks just as much as they do.

Saint Kitts & Nevis CBI Options

Saint Kitts & Nevis have a lot of experience when it comes to CBI options, and have refined the investment options on offer considerably. You can choose from any of the following options:

  • An investment in an Approved Public Benefits Project of at least $175,000.
  • A real estate investment of at least $200,000. This can also be an investment of at least $200,000 in a shared property. In either case, the property must be retained for at least 7 years.
  • The purchase of a government-approved residential property. The residence must be valued at least $400,000, and must not be sold for at least 5 years.

A non-refundable donation of at least $125,000 to the Sustainable Growth Fund. The size of the donation scales with the number of dependents.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia have only offered citizenship by investment since 2015, but their Citizenship by Investment program is comparable to the other Caribbean countries featured in this article – both in terms of CBI options and the benefits conferred by its passport.

Benefits Of A Saint Lucia Passport

Though not quite as robust as the passports of the other three Caribbean countries featured on this list, the fact remains that the Saint Lucia passport is still very strong. It offers visa-free (or on-arrival) access to 147 countries including Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and the Schengen Zone.

In addition to this, citizens are eligible for 10-year US tourist visas, and enjoy a generous tax regime that means no taxes are paid on capital gains, inheritance, and dividends.

Saint Lucia CBI Options

The choices offered on Saint Lucia’s CBI programme are quite similar to those offered by other Caribbean nations, with one or two minor differences in the amounts involved. They include:

  • A $3.5 million investment in a government-approved business. If applying as part of a group investment, this may be reduced to $1 million, but the total value of the business must be at least $6 million.
  • A $200,000 real estate purchase. The property may not be sold for five years.
  • The purchase of government bonds worth $300,000. May be redeemed after five years.

A non-refundable donation of $100,000 to the National Economic Fund. Scales with the number of dependents included.


This Near East country may not technically be in Europe, but it’s the closest country that offers a CBI program (no country offers a true CBI program within the borders of Europe – not even Malta – because of the strictures of the EU).

Türkiye is unique among the countries on this list not only because of its location, but also because its CBI options are quite dissimilar from other countries offering citizenship by investment.

Benefits Of A Turkish Passport

While Türkiye’s passport is not quite as strong as that of Saint Kitts & Nevis, it nevertheless offers visa-free (or on-arrival) access to 100 countries. These include Singapore, South Korea, Brazil and Japan.

And though Turkish citizens do not get the much-coveted visa-free access to the Schengen Zone, they can apply for a visa that allows them to stay in the Zone for 180 days out of every 360.

Finally, Turkish citizens are entitled to apply for an E-2 business visa to the US. This requires the investment of $100,000, but it’s a very useful feature of a Turkish passport that’s worth bearing in mind.

Türkiye CBI Options

As mentioned, Türkiye’s CBI options are very much its own:

  • The purchase of $500,000 of government bonds, redeemable after five years.
  • Placing at least $500,000 into an investment fund for at least three years. The funds accrue interest throughout.
  • Placing $500,000 in a Turkish bank account for at least five years.
  • A business investment of $500,000 or the founding of a business that creates at least 50 jobs. The shares or business can be sold after five years.

The purchase of real estate worth at least $400,000. Can be sold after three years.


This Pacific Island nation is, like Saint Lucia, a relative newcomer to the CBI scene, but they’re making quite the splash with their extremely generous tax regime and a passport that, while not as strong as its Caribbean counterparts, nevertheless offers a very lengthy visa-free stay period in the UK.

Benefits Of A Vanuatu Passport

As noted, Vanuatu citizens can stay in the UK for prolonged periods of time without a visa – 180 consecutive days, in fact, making it a very attractive passport to hold.

Beyond this, a Vanuatu passport offers access to a respectable 96 countries, including Singapore, Hong Kong, and the aforementioned UK. Tax is very simple, too – citizens pay a flat $300 per year and that’s it. Not a cent of tax is paid on anything else.

Vanuatu CBI Options

Vanuatu keeps it nice and simple, with a single investment method for applying to its CBI program:

  • A non-refundable donation of $130,000 to the National Development Program.

This may sound like a bad deal for those who wish to see a return on their investment, but the truth is that you’ll see more in tax savings after 2-3 years than the cost of your donation.

Iririki Island in Vanuatu


Though there are a few more CBI options that are well worth investigating (like, for instance, Malta, which does not offer a true CBI program but is nevertheless the only CBI-adjacent option in Europe), the five detailed here are the cheapest options, and offer the best combination of passport strength and generous tax regimes.

Of course, it’s worth doing further research to make sure that you’re choosing the right programme for you and your family. But we hope that what has been laid down here is a strong foundation for you to start to begin that research.

View of Istanbul in Turkey


Though there are a few more CBI options that are well worth investigating (like, for instance, Malta, which does not offer a true CBI program but is nevertheless the only CBI-adjacent option in Europe), the five detailed here are the cheapest options, and offer the best combination of passport strength and generous tax regimes.

Of course, it’s worth doing further research to make sure that you’re choosing the right programme for you and your family. But we hope that what has been laid down here is a strong foundation for you to start to begin that research.

St Lucia is one of the top 5 countries where high net-worth individuals are getting second passports


Though there are a few more CBI options that are well worth investigating (like, for instance, Malta, which does not offer a true CBI program but is nevertheless the only CBI-adjacent option in Europe), the five detailed here are the cheapest options, and offer the best combination of passport strength and generous tax regimes.

Of course, it’s worth doing further research to make sure that you’re choosing the right programme for you and your family. But we hope that what has been laid down here is a strong foundation for you to start to begin that research.

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