
Applying For Citizenship By Investment As A Turkish National

Citizenship by investment is an increasingly attractive proposition for any high-net-worth individual looking to diversify their assets and widen their options vis-à-vis international travel and relocation. Yet while highly desirable to many, the fact is that there is still only a relatively small number of countries offering true CBI programs, limiting the choices available to anyone looking to acquire a second passport.

Today, we’ll be taking a look at the options open when it comes to Türkiye – not from the perspective of foreign nationals applying to the Turkish CBI program, however, but rather from the perspective of Turkish nationals applying to other CBI programs.

What are Türkiye’s current international relations like? Are there any complicating factors that might impact your ability to apply for citizenship by investment? And what is the process like when applying for citizenship by investment?

Let’s take a look, then, at applying for citizenship by investment as a Turkish national.

Will Türkiye’s Geopolitical Status Affect My Ability To Apply?

Short answer: no. Türkiye enjoys excellent relations with all countries offering CBI programs. These include Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Malta, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Vanuatu.

However, it is important that applicants have absolutely no economic ties to sanctioned countries, as these could complicate matters and delay applications or result in rejections.

These sanctioned countries vary from program to program, but include the following:

  • Afghanistan
  • Belarus
  • Congo
  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Venezuela
  • Yemen

Note that this is not an exhaustive list, nor is it identical for every CBI program; some may refuse applications from those with economic ties to Venezuela where others may not, for instance.

To recapitulate briefly: if you are a Turkish national, you may apply for any available CBI program as normal. The only potential complicating factor is if you have close economic ties to a sanctioned country.

What Documentation Will I Need To Apply For Citizenship By Investment As A Turkish National?

Broadly speaking, Turkish nationals will need the same kind of documentation as someone of any other nationality when applying to a CBI program. Bear in mind that the following list is not exhaustive, and that some documentation may be required in some countries but not in others, so always carefully look over the particular program to which you’re applying before moving forward.

Let’s take a look at the documentation typically needed for a citizenship by investment application.

Passport/ID Card

All existing CBI programs require the applicant to hold a passport from their home country, the details of which should be submitted in order to proceed with an application. Generally speaking, you’ll be required to submit a copy of your passport, rather than the original.

Turkish nationals are required by law to hold an ID card. A copy of this ID card (Turkish-language name: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Kartı) must be submitted as part of your application – as is the case for any person who holds a mandatory ID card.

Birth Certificate

In order to verify your identity, CBI programs generally need to see a copy of your original birth certificate.

Police Clearance Certificate/Criminal Background Check

In order to satisfy the CBI unit of the country to which you’re applying that you’re of good character and do not pose a national security threat, it’s typically necessary to provide a police clearance certificate/criminal background check. This proves that you have a clean criminal record and that you pose no kind of threat to your new home.

For Turkish nationals, this involves applying for a police certificate. You may also be requested to provide an archived police certificate (Arsiv Kayitli Sabika Kaydi/Adli Sicil Arsiv Kaydi). This varies from country to country; not every program will need to see the archived certificate.

In order to apply for an archived police clearance certificate, you’ll need to use the Turkish government’s online ‘eDevlet’ service, which allows you to apply for the certificate entirely online. When it comes to the standard police certificate, however, it’s not quite so simple.

Applying For A Police Certificate In-Country

If you’re in Türkiye, it’s relatively easy to apply for a police certificate. You can simply go to the General Prosecutor’s Office and make your application there. There is such an office in every Turkish city.

Applying For A Police Certificate Out Of Country

If you’re not currently based in Türkiye, you can apply for the police clearance certificate via your nearest Turkish embassy or consulate. You can also mail the Ministry of Justice General Directory of Criminal Records directly. The Directory’s address is:

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Adalet Bakanligi
Adli Sicil Genel Mudurlugu
Tuna Caddesi No. 10

In both the case of a police clearance certificate and its archived counterpart, you will need an apostille.

Health Clearance/Medical Certificate

In order to satisfy medical requirements, you’ll be required to produce a health clearance or medical certificate to demonstrate that you’re in good health and do not carry any serious communicable diseases.

CBI Application Documents

Of course, you’ll need to complete the application proper as well as provide the abovementioned supporting documentation. Because applying for citizenship by investment can be a confusing and unintuitive process, it’s recommended that you enlist the services of an agent in order to help steer you around the curves. A company like Vancis Capital is perfectly suited for this.

Marriage Certificate

If you’re married, you’ll be required to provide a copy of your marriage certificate. This is particularly important if you’re including your spouse as part of your application, since you’ll need to prove that your spouse is legally just that.

Turkish marriage certificates are legally binding, multilingual and internationally recognised, so you shouldn’t need any supporting documentation. However, some countries do require the document to be apostilled.

This can be done by requesting a ‘Formula B’ document from any Department of Population Affairs bureau.  This document acts as an international marriage certificate (as does the standard one) but also comes with an apostille attached.

Proof Of Accreditation

Whenever using legal or translated documents, it may be necessary to prove the bona fides of the legal professional or translator in question. Some countries offering CBI programs will therefore request proof of credentials, which can typically be provided readily enough by said professionals.

Supporting Documents For Dependents

If including dependents, you may be requested to provide supporting documentation for them. This will include all the documents required for the main applicant (passports, ID cards, birth certificates etc.) and may also require additional documentation (e.g. proof of financial dependence upon the main applicant, proof of enrolment in college/university courses for minors approaching 18 etc.).

The exact nature of the documentation required may vary from country to country; always check with the CBI unit of the program to which you’re applying in order to ensure that you have a full picture of what, exactly, is required.

Applying as a Turkish National for citizenship by investment can be an easy and straightforward process


As we have seen, a Turkish national ought to have no problems whatsoever applying for any CBI program in the world – assuming that the funds to cover the investment criteria are available, and assuming that all required documentation is provided.

Although the CBI application process can appear overly complex, the fact is that it’s quite a straightforward process, and can be navigated with a little research and preparation.

As noted, there are also professional agencies that routinely deal with citizenship-by-investment applications. Agencies like Vancis Capital can vastly simplify the process, and should always be considered by anyone who wishes to ease the bureaucratic headaches of a CBI application!

A number of documents are required for a citizenship by investment applicationa


As we have seen, a Turkish national ought to have no problems whatsoever applying for any CBI program in the world – assuming that the funds to cover the investment criteria are available, and assuming that all required documentation is provided.

Although the CBI application process can appear overly complex, the fact is that it’s quite a straightforward process, and can be navigated with a little research and preparation.

As noted, there are also professional agencies that routinely deal with citizenship-by-investment applications. Agencies like Vancis Capital can vastly simplify the process, and should always be considered by anyone who wishes to ease the bureaucratic headaches of a CBI application!

Applying For Citizenship By Investment As A Turkish National outlined in detail


As we have seen, a Turkish national ought to have no problems whatsoever applying for any CBI program in the world – assuming that the funds to cover the investment criteria are available, and assuming that all required documentation is provided.

Although the CBI application process can appear overly complex, the fact is that it’s quite a straightforward process, and can be navigated with a little research and preparation.

As noted, there are also professional agencies that routinely deal with citizenship-by-investment applications. Agencies like Vancis Capital can vastly simplify the process, and should always be considered by anyone who wishes to ease the bureaucratic headaches of a CBI application!

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